Hailing from Dayton, Ohio, Strangers As Heroes were active as a band from what looks like 2000 to around 2001, though I think they may have been around in the late 90s. Somehow, their website is still active. Their sound is emo pop, but they hit a little too soon to be part of the third wave. Instead, they are heavily influenced by 90s-style pop punk and emo pop; fans of Derail, Notaword, or Greater Than Less Than will find a lot to like here (Punk Planet once described this particular vein of emo pop as "Get Up & Save The Stryder Kids"). These are catchy, energetic songs that bounce along with the kind of emo pop verve that would soon after be replaced with that polished early 2000s sound.
Besides 2000's This Is Not A Result Of Chemistry EP, Strangers As Heroes also had a split with a band called Keaton, Athens Party 2000, as well as a couple songs on a compilation and some demos and acoustic versions on MP3.Com. Additionally, the band released an EP, I'll Make the Call, and You'll Die, in 2001 on their own label. Their website also mentions a compilation that label was supposed to be release, but I don't know if that project ever saw fruition. All I have right now are both EPs and an acoustic track.