Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Hailing from Athens, Georgia (like their fellow emo band Hunter Gatherer), Michael are best known for their contribution to The Emo Diaries. What most people probably don't know is that song, 'Finish Line,' is taken from Michael's second album. It's not hard to see why that fact escapes most, given that The Day After My Confidence is rare enough an album to have never made it to Discogs—I had to add it myself. I wouldn't have known Michael had a second album at all were it not for an offhand reference to it on this discography page. Luckily, someone was selling a copy on Amazon.

Michael are probably best compared to Sunny Day Real Estate, especially the kind of operatic ambition that SDRE showed on the albums after Diary. But it's not a one to one comparison by any means, and Michael skew more towards emo pop than midwest emo, though there is plenty of both in their makeup. Their decision to toss 'Finish Line' to The Emo Diaries was a wise one, as it's their best song. Of the two albums, The Day After My Confidence is the stronger effort, but don't discount You Must Be This Tall. These are some great emo albums and it's a shame we never got to hear what Michael could have done with a third.

This post was initially labeled as a discography. The band has since posted both albums on Bandcamp, the banner revealing three (!) other Michael releases. And, of course, none of them were posted. I haven't been able to get my hands on any of them yet, but will update this post if I ever do.

You Must Be This Tall + The Day After My Confidence

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